Hi Friends!

My name is Rahima Imani and I am a 20 year old college student from Harlem!

When I'm not in Biology lab or working out at the gym, I'm admiring the latest hairstyles and getting inspiration for my next style.

Coils, Curves, and Puffs

This picture is what I like to call my 1,2,3, Braid out. A braid out is a natural style that invloves braiding your coils

and curls into quarter sized braids. To acheieve the perfect braidout the use of leave in conditioner, moisturizing butters, and your favorite

holding gel is needed. I usually wear my hair in braidouts during the summer months.

Low Maintenance Protective Styles

The two pictures above are some quick jumbo twist that I achieved with kinky hair. The total time it took to complete this look was about 5 hours. I achived this look with the use of rubber bands and crotchet hook.